Interkont Komerc Ltd. is a private company founded in 2003 in Banja Luka.

Our company is based in Laktasi. Our main activity is trade in goods for external and internal water supply and sewage systems, with a special emphasis on high-quality and reliable products.

Since our establishment, the imperatives in our business have been quality, continuous monitoring of the needs of the market, partners, and clients, as well as professionalism in our work.

Our mission is to justify the trust placed in us by our clients and to constantly improve it.

Due to our many years of experience, we have established and nurtured excellent relationships and cooperation with some of the best regional and global manufacturers.

Our certificates

We possess certificates that prove the quality of our products.

Our partners are reputable manufacturers who provide a guarantee on all of their products:

Nikole Pašića 8, Laktaši, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Working hours

Mon – Fri: 07:30 – 15:30
Sat: 08:00 – 15:00

Please contact us for any questions regarding our offer.